What’s Coming for AIP for 2022?

2021 has been a year to remember; hopefully for you in more positive ways than negative. Regardless, the team at Always in Pursuit is excited for 2022. We have been working hard to set the bar higher. I want to use this blog post to give everyone a peak behind the curtain on what the team has to offer. 

First if you haven’t noticed, we brought on a team of Marketing experts to better utilize social media to interact and engage with our audience. Karina and Brian Thomas have been using the last 60 days to run some tests and understand what our audience wants to see. So, as we go into the New Year, they have some creative ways to get our audience involved into the AIP Magic. 

We’ve added a comments section to our blog posts. So, you can now go to www.alwaysinpursuit.org/blog and make comments about posts that you like or maybe have questions about. The team and even the blog authors will be able to comment back and share insights into why they write what they do! We want to directly engage more with the audience, and this is the best way we found. Social media is always an option as well. On the note of blogs, we are still looking for blog authors. So, if you know anyone or have ever thought about starting a blog, reach out to the team at alwaysinpursuit.msb@gmail.com

Podcasts, I know the big question is when will the podcast release new episodes? -Drum Roll- February 5th will be the first episode of season 2, with MG Mick Ryan of the Australian Army. This episode is already recorded and it’s amazing. From there we will release another episode on February 19th, this episode will be hosted by Mike Lavigne. We will follow this format, 2 episodes a month, one with Mike Burke and the other with Mike Lavigne. 

So only two episodes a month?? What the H@ll?? Well, kind of, we’ve been working on a secret project for a long time. On the second Saturday of every month, we will release a new podcast episode titled: “Legends of the 75th”. This podcast will be focused on the Special Operations organization known as the 75th Ranger Regiment. I will sit down in these episodes and have conversations with legends from that community. We will talk about why they joined, what it meant and try to understand what makes this unit so historical. I’ve already done a few preparation sessions with some of the guests and let me tell you, it's mind blowing!! So, whether you serve, have served, know someone that has or just want to understand what makes the 75th Ranger Regiment so legendary this podcast is the one for you. 

The newsletter will continue; however, it will be once a month.I will dive into books, articles and even other podcasts that have added a ton of value to my life. In the newsletter I will share why they were helpful and how I believe they can add value to your life. If you do not currently subscribe to our Map Check Newsletter, you can do as so at www.alwaysinpursuit.com. Just add your information to when the pop box comes up. 

Also, in the newsletter I will talk about future guests on both podcasts. This will give you the opportunity to ask questions or give recommendations when we sit down with them to record the episodes. Just another way we want to try and get our audience involved in what the AIP team is doing! 

More to come as we solidify new and innovative things to the AIP site. A lot of exciting things are happening, and we look forward to adding value to you in the New Year!! 

Thank you for the continued support. The feedback, reviews and direct messages about how our content has impacted your life is the fuel that helps us Live Life on the Offense!



Lessons from an Ultramarathon


Episode 30 Revisited If I can, I Must with JJ Wilson and James Boyd from Adyton