Second Week of July Azimuth Check

Azimuth check 

There are people suffering internal battles every day - and it might not be easy to see it on the surface.  So how do we help? Connection. This will always be -- in my opinion -- the key to helping others through rough times. I’ve found if I’m willing to be vulnerable first, then ask someone what they’re carrying, they’re more likely to be willing to share it with me. I also have learned over time that I don’t need to be the fixer - because there are times where a solution or remedy isn’t what’s needed. Sometimes,  people just want to be heard. This week, keep an eye out for times where you can use this technique and help someone who is dealing with a struggle. I’ll have more on this topic, along with some resources for you to use, in this week’s Map Check. Subscribe on! Hope to see you living life on the offense! Thanks for watching - I’m Mike Burke, and this is your Azimuth Check for the week!


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