Introduction to Fitness Friday and Mrs. AIP

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I need a catchy title: Bench this. Closer than Yesterday. My Fitness Journey. Achieve Greatness….Screw it, here we go!

Here I am almost 47 years old and can practically bench the weight of the teenage girl next door. My ego wishes I could say she was 200lbs, but she’s probably about equal to my body weight. But, in all seriousness WHY does it even matter in the grand scheme of things how much I can bench, and quite frankly who the hell cares?

I laugh when I reflect on having been placed in remedial PT over 25 years ago because I couldn’t even execute one solid ‘MAN’ push-up. I was young, weak, and honestly didn’t care about how strong I was back then. I mean, why would I? Did my own personal strength really affect anyone to include myself?  Come to find out over the years, you bet your sweet ass it did AND it still does!!! But how? Why? And what does it all mean?

My fitness journey has undoubtedly had its ups and downs, and to be ‘my’ absolute best hasn’t always come easy, nor without obstacles along the way. In fact, I’m still not at my absolute best and may never be, but I continue to set goals to become a better version of myself and impact those around me wanting to achieve a level of greatness; whatever that may mean to them.

In short, I’ve been fortunate enough to be asked by this amazing man that I know to contribute to Friday blogs in relation to fitness and what that means to me. This subject matter, of course, can be complex in nature with a multitude of layers. So, in the weeks ahead, I invite you to follow this blog while I share about my challenges, triumphs, and my overall continued fitness journey as we continue to achieve greatness together.

As we go into the weekend, remember that ‘you may not be there yet, but you are closer than you were yesterday’.



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