Happy Anniversary My Love

Happy Anniversary My Love

Over a decade ago, I was minding my own business when this 5’10” brunette bombshell walked into the conference room. What transpired from there can only be described as one of the most amazing journeys of my life. Like anything, it’s had its challenges, ups and downs, maybe even a few sideways falls. However, I sit here thinking about what we’ve made it through in that decade, I’m amazed and inspired.

Life is tough. It can make you question everything and want to throw your hands up in absolute defeat. Despite popular belief, I’ve been there countless times over the last decade. When you have someone that reaches their hand out and pulls you up, it makes you realize that anything is possible. Together, you can overcome any obstacle no matter how daunting.

Finding that person makes me one of the luckiest people in the world. I’m thrilled that everyone gets to see her genius, wit, and love for people through this blog.

That’s it, that is my blog for today! I wanted to abuse this platform to tell everyone that I’m madly in love with Mrs. AIP and please reach out to her to say Happy Anniversary!!!!

Here’s to hundreds of more anniversaries together!



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