EVERYTHING is Possible

First and foremost, Happy New Year to all our blog readers and AIP supporters. 2022 is going to be a great year, I can feel it!

One of my intentions for the new year is to expand my mind by reading more, just as Mr. AIP does. Mike reads every night for 30 minutes like clockwork, so I figured what the hell, I might as well “be smart like Mike” and read more too (do we have a new AIP motto?).

One of my favorite subject matters to read about is on World War II and the Holocaust Survivors. With my great grandmother having been Jewish and both her and my grandfather living in Germany during that era, it’s a subject that I hold near and dear to my heart.

With Mike knowing my passion for this topic, he recently bought me a book called  We Were the Lucky Ones by Georgia Hunter, a highly recommended read if you enjoy learning about the Holocaust and WWII history. The book was so gripping, and such a mesmerizing debut to what this family went through, that I could not put the book down.

As I was walking my dog yesterday and reflecting on the 400 pages I had just read, it got me to thinking about the power of the mind and what you can achieve if you put your mind to something that you truly want. Now, I don’t want to give away any parts of this book if you decide to read it, but for the Kurc family it was their lives that they were fighting for. The accounts of what these family members did to survive really made me think about what is possible if you set your mind to it.

This brings me to the topic of fitness. Especially over the last month, I have had many people come to me with their fitness struggles; being sick and tired of not looking and feeling their best. It’s difficult to tell somebody they need to get their mind right first, and that everything else will follow, but these are words of ‘encouragement’ that need to be said when someone is stuck.

Undoubtedly, helping someone to break through that mental barrier we’ve all encountered is a great way to getting one to realize their own potential. For me, reading this book was a great reminder of my own potential and that ‘everything is possible’ for the year 2022!

Whatever your fitness goals may be, don’t forget the importance of also exercising the mind. Listen to some inspiring podcasts; I happen to know of a really good one out there, and also a new one releasing soon that will be epic… Legends of the 75th. And of course, commit to reading more; knowledge is power!

To end, now that the comment box is open for business, it would be excellent if we could help one another out by sharing any book recommendations that could aid in breaking some of those barriers mentioned above.  Perhaps, add in there a little snippet about the book and how it added value to your life. I’m really looking forward to your suggestions and book reviews. Thanks all!

*Realize your own potential and get after it this year! Happy 2022!



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