Episode 7 Keep Climbing, RIP Matt Nyman

Now that season 1 has ended we are going to share the 4 most popular episodes from the AIP Team. The first season has been an amazing journey with guests that have added value and given us insights into our pursuits. We would like to thank everyone for their feedback, sharing and support over the last 52 episodes!!

Episode 7, keep climbing with Matt Nyman is the most popular episode AIP has produced. When developing a guest list, Sarah asked Mike if he knew anyone that climbed mountains. The thought was that some who had spent time in this endeavor would be an amazing guest who could help others. Instantly Mike though of Matt, not only had he summitted some of the world’s highest peaks. He was also a veteran and amputee. When Mike approached Matt about being a guest, he was elated and was all in on the concept.

The podcast recording happened the first week of January 2021. About two days before the episode was scheduled to release Mike received a call from a friend who asked if he had talked to Matt recently. Through the course of the conversation, it was confirmed that Matt had been killed in an avalanche in Alaska. After the shock of realizing Matt was gone, Mike reached out to Matt’s family to ensure it was ok to continue to release the episode.

The response to that request and from the community was overwhelming. What this episode became was the last recorded words from Matt. An episode that is filled with Matt’s Story and amazing insights into how he had overcome countless challenges in his life. This episode also served to ignite the fire of how important this work is, capturing stories of people to inspire and help others. Even if you listened to this episode before, we encourage everyone to listen to it again as it’s one that will always hold a special place in the hearts of many!

We will forever miss you Matt, thank you for being who you were in this life and inspiring so many to KEEP CLIMBING!

Link to Episode: Keep Climbing RIP Matt Nyman


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