Veteran’s Day Message

I’ll be brief so that you can get to Applebee’s before the lunch rush. You know what I’m talking about.

How often are you in contact with those with whom you have served? When I look at social media, I see many interactions between friends and colleagues sharing memes or some of their significant life events. We usually hit the “Like” button, or we leave a one- or two-word comment. Personally, the interactions I’ve had with people on social media are superficial and not very engaging.

I put a lot of thought into why I was doing that this week. I have been trying to limit my time on social media, but this does not excuse me from being superficial. Another excuse I tell myself is that people have busy enough lives, they don’t need me intruding on them. I also believed that if people didn’t reach out to me, they just didn’t have much to say. 

So, I decided that I needed to make a change. I reached out to two people this week that have made significant impacts in my life. For the sake of being transparent, I was only texting them because I’m in Germany, and the time difference can be problematic. I especially don’t like bothering people during a short work week because tasks don’t just disappear with a condensed work week. While we were texting, it made me realize that maybe they have the same mindset. Perhaps they thought that I was too busy, and they didn’t want to bother me. I like to think that I’ve never given signals that I was ever too busy to talk to someone, but maybe I have.

Although we were just texting, I felt joy in hearing what was going on in their lives. I love hearing about people succeeding and enjoying their lives. In case you didn’t know, there are many people from your past that are rooting for your success. 

The point that I’m trying to make here is that people do want to hear from you. You have undoubtedly made an impact on someone’s life, whether you know it or not. You are not forgotten. This week, my challenge to you is not to wait for them to send you a message or give you a call. Pick up the phone and make the first move. Let them know that you love them, and let’s stop being strangers to one another!

Happy Veteran’s Day to all who are serving and who have served. I love you all.



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