Sizing Up


Throughout my life I have been known to tell others that rules were made to be broken and have traditionally been more of a rule-breaker than a rule-follower. Some would classify this as being a defiant person while others would suggest that I was a rebel. I say it's about testing limits; no harm no foul. But, me having a little bit of a rebellious side isn't why I'm writing this blog. 

I read an online review today that made me think about rules. This woman's review was that the pants she bought were too small and didn't fit her. She was so disappointed that she actually threw them away. Most people would just return the pants so, maybe there was little more going on for her… Here is what she says: “If I could leave a zero star I would. These pants are poorly designed as the legs are very tight and the fabric doesn't stretch. I threw away mine as it was very uncomfortable while I was sitting or walking.” 

I found it to be just the opposite with the same exact product, that the pants ran a bit big and that the material was super stretchy. I know...any guy reading this right now is probably rolling his eyes thinking I'm a typical ‘chick’ talking about something useless, so I’ll get to my point. 

Though I’m a bit rebellious and like to break rules from time to time, I have also always implemented rules into my life that I actually do try to follow. One of those rules relates to ‘sizing up’. I made a promise to myself when I was in my 20’s that I would never buy a bigger size because I had seen too many people around me, both men and women, make all the excuses in the world for why they had ‘sized up’ over the years. Some examples have been thyroid related (I actually hear this one a lot), medical issues, age (I hear this a lot too), busy with work, busy with kids, time restrictions, it hurts to work out, etc. etc. etc.… While some of these reasons could actually be legit, they eventually lead into our own rationalization for allowing ourselves to go far beyond our starting point. 

Having made that personal promise to myself, or rule, never to ‘size up’ doesn't necessarily mean that I have been perfect along the way. In fact, my time in Germany comes to mind with all that serious beer and food consumption; me getting a bit soft as a result. I could have easily continued on that path and ran to the store for a moo-moo (not quite that bad), but reminded myself of my own life rule and did something about it instead.

Once we make that trip to the store and walk out with the bag full of larger sizes, typically its the beginning to a never ending vicious cycle of sizing up. Before we know it, we are asking ourselves how it happened that we are much beyond what we ever imagined for ourselves.

In regards to health, it is important to follow rules, guidelines, and limitations as much as possible. If you don't have any, perhaps it's time to pick a few, write up your plan, and then execute. People tend to sabotage themselves with too many rules or changes all at once though. I always suggest implementing something new and eliminating something old. For instance, add more water and eliminate the beer, or add a piece of fruit everyday and eliminate the sweets. I'm not going to beat this to death, as  I think we all get the point I’m trying to make. However, some of us truly do better when we have the support of others to make much needed changes. If you are finding you need some additional support or just don't know where to begin,  you can always reach out to either the amazing Podcast host, Mike Burke, or reach out to me.

Just remember, we're all in this together and we are always here to help with your journey.

~Sarah N Burke


Azimuth Check Week 39


Many Parts, One Body