Should We Be Thankful?

From civil discord to a pandemic that has altered our lives for years to come, there is a lot to look at and it’s very easy to grow concerned. We are all wondering if we should celebrate or just turn on the auto pilot of smiles this holiday season. It’s been a tough couple years, and if your family has experienced anything like mine, there has been some sketchy moments.

We can’t change the past, nor can we predict the future. We can however, prepare ourselves and can choose to look at the small things and cherish them; taking those things and treating them as miracles. They are, and we are fortunate. If you are reading this you have internet, power, and you’re alive. You live in one of the greatest times in history where we make huge technological strides every day! You have people that count on you, love you, and appreciate the work you do. Even if it isn’t always apparent, they do.

Today I woke up, that is a gift. I get to make a choice today; I’m going to add value to people’s lives. How amazing is that? This week I will get to see family, talk to family as we celebrate thanksgiving together or from afar. We are unified in that, despite the fact miles keep us apart. For people that can’t be with their loved ones, they can send them a note instantly via social media, email, or even a phone call. To anywhere in the world!!

You get the point; every single day we make the choice of how we face the day. We can get up, growl to ourselves, and say: “Same shit, different day” or we can decide, right now, this day will be part of a larger plan; one that will give us purpose, meaning and happiness. As I’ve talked in previous posts, others can help with the journey. However, you need put in the work. So why are you complaining about it, find joy in it. Not everyone is so lucky, many people have left this world with so many ambitious left unseen. Some live-in circumstances they can’t escape, longing for a better, different life, but unable to attain it because of the country they reside in. You are different, you have the world laid in front of you. So, grasp it, now, and stop waiting for the perfect moment. Lay out the plan, get to work, and adjust along the way.

The only thing holding you back is you and your fear….In end the decision is yours, which is a beautiful thing. Something that we should all be thankful about. We have a choice!!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! Be thankful, reach out to others and tell them you are thankful for them, decide today is the day you will start laying the foundation to something that you have been scared to start.



Episode 52 The Good Life and a Better Future with Mike Lavigne Promo


Azimuth Check Week 46