Newton’s First Law

I am often told by others that they are not as fit as they once were, or want to be, because they have some sort of injury. Welcome to the club! We all do. Of course, some injuries are more severe than others but we’ve all had something happen to us that has slowed our progression both mentally and physically.

This got me thinking about a podcast that Mike did with Matt Nyman last January. Unfortunately, this week marks the week where Matt’s family laid him to rest a year ago after a tragic climbing accident in Alaska. If you have never listened to this podcast, Keep Climbing w/Matt , I highly recommend that you do. If you have already listened to it, as a tribute to Matt Nyman, I ask that you listen to it again. There is a lot of powerful content and key takeaways.

The reason that this podcast is so compelling to me is that it’s a great reminder of what we can achieve when we are persistent and invest in ourselves despite physical setbacks. As you will learn from Matt, he was in a serious helicopter crash where he lost one of his legs, part of his foot, and sustained a traumatic brain injury. He was told by doctors he would never walk again, let alone summit majestic peaks around the world. But guess what? HE DID! 

My quick message for you this week is not to let an injury be an excuse to remain idle. Find something else you can do or enjoy. As Matt suggests in the podcast, come up with a plan or strategy; employ that forward momentum that maximizes your energy to make yourself better. 

There really is something to be said for Newton's First Law of Motion; a body at rest will stay at rest, a body in motion will stay in motion. Consider over the weekend what you can do to change your state from one of idleness to one of action.  If this doesn’t apply to you, surely you know someone that it might. 

Especially with my blog this week, please share so that others can hear Matt’s message of hope and message to ‘Keep Climbing’ one step at a time. 



Lessons From Moving: Declutter Your Mind


Leading From the Inside Out