Looking for Inspiration

If you are on your phone or computer, stop for a minute. Open the internet browser and find an image of someone that inspires you. -I’ll wait- 

Got them? Maybe it’s the Rock, Tony Robbins or Simon Sinek, or a relative? Whoever it is they don’t provide you sustained inspiration or motivation. Just short surges like a sugar spike after eating a Candy Bar. 

Now take out your phone and go to the camera, take a selfie. That’s the person you should be the most concerned about drawing inspiration from. It’s the one you talk to all day, every day. Your Subconscious mind is communicating with our conscious mind and vice-versa. It never stops, most of the time you are not aware of it. 

When something is difficult or challenging, you hear: “Why does this always happen to me?”, “I can’t possibly do this”. 

The voice will never stop, but you can change the narrative. Stare at that selfie, really look at. Does it motivate you, are you inspired? For most no, we look at it and start to notice imperfections or think of a time where we fell short. 

But here is the truth: 

Everything you need to succeed resides in you. You just haven’t put yourself in a position to learn some hard lessons and overcome adversity or taken a calculated risk. I'm not sure that having faith in yourself to accomplish something great is a risk at all. 

You can draw inspiration from others, but the work is on you. You need to put in the effort as no one will be as passionate about X as you. 

Someone is watching and judging you. That person is you; you are subconsciously watching yourself as you make the decision to hit snooze or not workout today. This lowers your own internal expectations, and you are setting a new standard. 

The longer you wait the easier it will become to kick the can down the road. 

A lot of the speakers, life coaches and motivational seminars have one aim. To create an addiction, just like any other that makes you dependent on them as the source of your inspiration and motivation. You become dependent on them to provide your motivation and inspiration. 

Team Always in Pursuit aims to be different, to provide you tools that aid in your journey, we will not do the work for you, maybe we will inspire at times. However, the real inspirational coach is yourself and you need to hold yourself accountable. 

Live Life on the Offense and remain Always in Pursuit.



Loving People’s Time (Revisited)


Azimuth Check Week 47