Leave a Legacy as a Leader

Leaders come and go; the organization continues on. As you leave, ask yourself one question: Did I leave them better than I found them? 

It’s harsh, but it is reality. Can you say you help create irreversible momentum that will continue to take ‘them’ forward? To do this, there needs to be a plan and it needs to be tied to the grassroots concept. It needs to be simple and efficient without trying to recreate the wheel. 

Throughout the years, I’ve observed a few leaders that had four amazing attributes that any leader could take, apply, and create an organization that will be drastically better for their tenure. 

-They never acted like as if they were the smartest person in the room. 

- Their door was truly open, and anyone could bring bad news or concerns to them. They were received with unwavering commitment to their issue. 

- They owned bad ideas as their own and good ones were always the product of others' talent. 

- They had the ability to make the complex simple. 

You are trying to create an environment where leaders display disciplined initiative and flatten communication across the organization.

I could continue to dissect each category with greater detail. However, I think that would be counterproductive and would offer detail that would be binding in its execution. Instead, take these 4 principles and ask yourself the hard question about your leadership, then vow to do and be better.



Don't Let Them Walk Alone


Azimuth Check Week 41