Keep IT Exciting!

Rey’s article this week, Get Away From That Desk, got me to thinking about routines and the importance of implementing a creative approach to our workouts. In this case, I’m going to discuss how this relates to my thoughts around fitness and the importance of switching it up.

I think most of us could agree that we tend to be creatures of habit, repeating the same actions day in and day out. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but often this mindset can hinder change, progression, and growth if we are not careful. More to the point, if diet and exercise is part of your daily routine and it involves pretty much the same actions daily, it will eventually start feeling like another chore and will lose its excitement. I know this to be true because it’s something that I’ve experienced from time to time.

So, what do I do to ensure the domino effect doesn’t set in and that I avoid shifting gears, from good to bad? My answer is simple. Be creative!  If you’re bored of your workout regiment, change it! Incorporate a variety of workout plans so that you’re not doing the same thing week after week, month after month. If you are stuck with programming, reach out to someone that can give you fresh ideas. For example, back in the day when I use to travel a lot, I got stuck in a lame routine that I eventually became unmotivated to follow. Mr. AIP, being the awesome guy he is, created this stellar programming he named “100 Bodyweight Workouts for the Road” which helped switch things up and keep me on track mentally and physically.

There is no denying that its also easy to get caught in this same type of rut at home, waking up early, going to the gym, lifting some weights, and then getting a little cardio in before work. While that’s more than the average person does, it can still become mundane and feel task like. In fact, I was just talking to a good friend in Germany about how frustrating it can be to bust our asses only to feel like we’ve reached a plateau. The answer here again, is to be creative and switch things up!

Mike and I are not only constantly changing our programming for our ‘in the gym’ wod’s, but also sprinkle in a mixure of other activities to keep it fresh. Sometimes we’ll take the bikes downtown and grab breakfast. Other times we’ll take the mountain bikes and go trail riding in random places; forget about the associated broken bones stories. HA! Yoga is also part of our weekly regime, which is always different (thanks to a great yoga instructor that I know), and other times we’ll walk the neighborhood, take the kayaks out, or go paddle boarding. These are all activities that we make into workouts, engaging different muscles and/or putting them to use in various ways, but let’s not discount the enjoyment we can experience by sharing all of this with another person and implementing a little adventure along the way.

These are simple changes to incorporate, but also have a great impact on our overall mental and physical well-being and keep us progressing forward. If you get stuck, need additional idea’s, or need some encouragement along the way you can always reach out to us, as we’re always here to support you on your journey.

‘If it doesn’t challenge YOU, it doesn’t change YOU’.  



Episode 48 Growing Grit is a Journey with David Fivecoat


Get Away From That Desk!