Episode 12 Trauma, Veteran’s Hill and Living with it All w/Chad Jenkins

After show Notes Chad Jenkins

This episode was a pivot point for AIP, Chad does an amazing job telling his story and how some of the experiences have affected his life for years. Multiple times I’ve had people reach out and say that a certain part of the episode spoke to them, helped them, and even gave them some relief. They realized that they were not alone in their struggles and demons.

After this episode we hit the pause button on hosting new guests. We decided to have a two-part series where Mike unpacked the story of his life. This happened for two reasons, people wanted to hear more about Mike’s story and why he talked about specific things in episodes. Also, it happened because of Chad, his ability to host and make the dialogue flow was clutch. He took the assignment extremely seriously and came to all the episodes prepared.

We continue to get feedback about Chad’s episode. It highlights the fact that we still have people out there that need help, they are either misinformed or scared to reach out. Chad’s episode has helped them realize they are not isolated in their feelings and getting help is a sign of strength, not of weakness. So, if you know a veteran or anyone that might be struggling send this episode. It maybe the thing that saves their life or at the very least helps them seek help, so they don’t have to live in pain.

From this episode AIP took more structure and a clearer path to what our niche was in the digital world. A platform that tells people’s stories, what is the foundation to their success and how it can help you in your pursuits. We aim to always add value to people’s lives.

If you haven’t listened to this episode, you should check it out. It’s a fun episode but filled with a lot of thought provoking dialogue. You can find out more about Chad in the episode’s show notes!!

Link to Episode:



Choose Courage, Reap Resilience


Mental Toughness