Be the Best Version of Yourself.

An old Ranger buddy recently sent me this photo. “An oldie but a goodie,” as the saying goes!

I joined the Army for a lot of reasons; walking away from mediocrity and running towards something bigger than myself. All the while hoping to find a place where I belonged and to finally feel my life had purpose. So, when the Drill Sergeant asked for volunteer to march the platoon to chow, I knew my moment had arrived and I needed to step forward; time to shut and lead.

About the only thing I did right was stand in front of platoon at attention. I broke ranks like an idiot, cutting through the ranks instead of falling to the rear and running around. As I stood at attention in front of the platoon I yelled: “face to the right” then motioned with my hands for them to turn. The barrage of obscenities thrown at me by the Drill Sergeant taught me a valuable lesson.

Never ever act like you know when you don’t, just shut and learn to follow. For the rest of basic that is the last time I tried some crap like that. Looking back, I wonder if that was the point of the whole ordeal. The drill sergeant demonstrating to us that there was a way to do business, then there was the Army way. I clearly had no idea and he made sure I wouldn’t forget.

Since then, I have tried to ensure whenever it was my time to lead, I prepared myself, rehearsed and asked when I did not know. People will know when you do not and you owe the best version of yourself as a professional. I have sat in countless courses and briefs where it was apparent the presenter or leader did not follow this principle. They bring discredit to themselves and whatever agency they are representing.

To be a true professional you need to be committed to the process of knowledge and experience. There are too many people out there claiming to be experts, but few question those claims. A word of advice to you would be that you can trust, but ensure you verify.



Let’s Get Smashed!


Week 43 Azimuth Check